Gut Health

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Your digestion is the key to your health. Imagine your digestion like the roots to the tree. 

Your gut is where you digest, absorb and assimilate your nutrients from your food. 

The saying is “you are what you eat” but I prefer to say “you are what you absorb.” 

To have a healthy body we first need a healthy gut. 

Did you know your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria. 

Actually, ⅔ of the weight of our bodies are made up of bacterial microbe.
How crazy, we are basically a big blob of bacteria walking around with a few human cells here and there. 

This just shows how important our balance of bacteria actually is! 

Your digestive tract is where you make approximately 80% of your serotonin
Yep that’s right - serotonin is known as your happy hormone to help with your mood. 
Gut-Brain connection BABY! 

Think of your gut like a little fish tank - if there is a dead fish floating around in the tank, you can’t just go and put all the new fish into the old tank. First we need to clean out the fish tank, replace all the bits and bobs and then put the new fish in. Same as the gut. 

We need to remove any bad bacterial overgrowths, yeasts and parasites out of the gut, replace nutrients, heal the gut then put all the good bugs back in! 

A lot of clients come to me saying they have taken probiotics before but they didn’t help. 

There is a reason for this - those bugs are not able to find their home in the old fish tank! 

Another common story is when someone has been taking iron supplements for their low iron levels for a long time but don’t see any change. It is quite likely even though you are taking good quality iron supplements - you simply may not be absorbing anything from the supplement! 

Always remember - treat the root cause. 

This is where I utilise comprehensive stool testing. To get the real answers to formulate proper treatment plans. 

Gut Imbalance Signs and Symptoms

If you suffer from even 3 of the following symptoms or conditions, there is most likely an imbalance in your gut bacteria or damage in the gut lining & I would highly recommend doing a comprehensive stool test: 

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Irritable Bowel Disease  (IBD)

  • Crohn's Disease

  • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)

  • H.Pylori overgrowth

  • Bloating 

  • Gas 

  • Diarrhoea 

  • Constipation 

  • Digestive Pain 

  • Irregular bowel movements

  • Mucus or blood in the stool 

  • Reflux / Indigestion 

  • Burping 

  • Haemorrhoids 

  • Gallstones

  • Food intolerances or sensitivities 

  • Poor immune function 

  • Sugar cravings 

  • Worms / Parasites 

  • Low Mood 

  • Depression / Anxiety 

  • Skin problems 

  • Coeliac disease / Family History of Coeliac 

  • History of antibiotic use

  • Nutrient deficiencies (low iron, low zinc etc) 

How we can fix: 

As a Clinical Naturopath I utilise functional pathology testing which includes stool, breath and blood testing to figure out what is going on in the gut. 

If you have been told to just take another round of antibiotics, go on medication, take reflux medication, and you tick at least 3 of the symptoms above - best we get some accurate stool testing done for you. 

For treatment of gut issues, there are many beautiful supportive herbs and nutrients that I will utilise based around your current test results and symptoms. Herbal formulas and nutritional compounds are designed specifically for you and have many years of research and traditional use behind them. Food as medicine can be very powerful for gut health as well and is essential for progress and healing. 

There are many other aspects to gut health such as focusing on stress levels, food intolerances, and any environmental toxins. 

For your comprehensive stool test consultation click the button below to book in a consultation:
