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Hormonal conditions are one of the most common reasons people come to see me in clinic. 

Hands up how many times have you just wanted to curl up in a ball and eat a block of chocolate while crying to a random ad on TV? As much as we laugh at ourselves as women and how much PMS we get around that time of the month, it actually isn’t a laughing matter because it can all totally be avoided! 

Did you know that 

  • PMS is common but not NORMAL

  • Thyroid conditions are common but not NORMAL 

  • Extreme fatigue is common but not NORMAL

Did you know that you can actually breeze through a period without having severe period cramps and without wanting to rip someone's head off from your mood swings? 

Many women get prescribed the oral contraceptive pill, thyroid medication, antidepressants, IUD… many different contraceptives and medications all to try and manage their hormonal symptoms. Whereas more times than not, it can make symptoms worse and are not great for your health in the long run. 

As a Naturopath, hormonal health is something I am very passionate about and always aim for the following three points with my clients: 

  1. Education about your hormone cycle 

  2. Natural treatments for hormonal health 

  3. Ability to empower yourself and others around you 

Many women struggle with hormonal issues such as the following - As you read through start counting on your fingers how many you experience. If you count more than three of the below symptoms I would highly recommend you get some hormone testing complete to assess your situation

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) 

  • Endometriosis 

  • Premenstrual syndrome

  • Irregular periods 

  • Hypothyroidism / Hyperthyroidism

  • Hashimoto’s / Graves Disease

  • PMDD (Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder)

  • Hormonal acne 

  • Sugar cravings 

  • Period pain 

  • Nausea 

  • Low libido

  • Swollen sore breasts

  • Migraines & Headaches 

  • Heavy bleeding 

  • Mood swings 

  • Anxiety & depression 

  • Hair loss 

  • Poor energy 

  • Brain fog 

  • Issues with transitioning off the pill 

How we can fix: 

As a Clinical Naturopath I utilise functional pathology testing which includes blood, saliva or urinary hormone testing. Different hormones are best tested through different methods. 

If you have been told “your hormones are fine on your blood tests” but you tick at least 3 of the symptoms above - best we get some more accurate testing done for you. 

For treatment there are many beautiful supportive herbs and nutrients that I will utilise based around your current test results and symptoms. Herbal formulas and nutritional compounds are designed specifically for you and have many years of research and traditional use behind them. 

There are many other aspects to hormonal health such as focusing on the digestive system, your nutrient levels, stress and any environmental toxins. 

For your comprehensive hormone consultation click the button below to book in a consultation
