Post-Pill Acne - How to fix naturally
Have you been on the Pill for the past 5-10 years or more and too scared to come off because every time you do you get huge breakouts?
Or maybe you have already come off and getting acne breakouts even though you’re an adult.
Post-pill acne is one of the most common causes of hormonal acne that I see in clinic and can be so frustrating for the patient because it can seem that no matter what you eat or put on your face, it just doesn’t seem to help.
Well theres a reason for this and here you will learn why and how to fix it or prevent it from happening before you come off the pill.
New Zealand
Quick run down on the Pill:
The Pill uses synthetic hormones to stop ovulation and the production of many of our natural hormones.
These synthetic hormones do not have the same effect on the body as our natural ones.
This is why side effects of the pill can cause: depression, weight gain, low libido, migraines, mood changes… just to name a few.
Also a “period” on the Pill is not actually a real period and I prefer to refer to it as a “withdrawal bleed”. Because it is actually just your body having withdrawals to the synthetic hormones when you take the sugar pills. This is why a lot of women believe that “the Pill fixes their period” but it is actually just a massive bandaid covering up the underlying issues.
Now this is where the Post-pill acne can happen. Once you stop taking the Pill, your body bounces back and has to start making hormones that it hasn’t had to for however long you have been taking the pill for! This may be a couple of years for some people but other it may be 15+ years.
The reason certain Oral Contraceptive Pills are prescribed for acne is because they reduce and suppress sebum (oils in the skin) back to levels we had as a child. So after you stop taking the Pill, your body will naturally have to up-regulate the amount of skin oil it produces and this can continue for months after you stop the pill. We can see Post-pill acne persisting regularly for 3-6 months after ceasing the Pill.
Another contributor to Post-pill acne happens when your androgens (male hormones) increase after stopping the Pill. This specifically includes testosterone which can cause acne flare ups on the jawline, back and chest.
Ginkgo Leaf - Japan
Post-pill acne natural treatment:
For best results, starting the below treatment a couple of months before you stop the Pill is ideal. That way your skin will be in a better space to be less reactive to the withdrawal of the medication.
Nourishes ovarian follicles (eggs) and therefore promotes ovulation
Reduces inflammation
Blocks excess androgens (testosterone) - but also does not reduce testosterone below normal levels. We still need testosterone for energy and libido.
Increases collagen production in connective tissue
A large portion of people are zinc deficient and you are especially at risk if you are vegetarian or vegan
Other reasons for low zinc include alcohol consumption, stomach acid/reflux medications (PPI’s) and the Pill also reduces zinc levels.
You can get zinc checked in a blood test
Cod Liver Oil
After having your skin oils suppressed while on the Pill, replacing them before coming off the pill is a good idea.
A good quality Cod Liver Oil also contains natural Vitamin A and D which are vtial for skin and hormones.
Taking a good quality Cod Liver Oil is important. This is because some cheap and nasty versions can be full of heavy metals and oxidised oils.
I highly recommend Nordic Naturals Arctic-D Cod Liver Oil.
Remove dairy & sugar
Cows dairy has been shown to have a very strong link with acne because it contains A1 casein which is an inflammatory protein that stimulates the production of histamine and mast cells.
Avoid dairy yoghurt, cheese, ice cream, milk coffees.
Butter and ghee are fine to still have as they do not contain casein and are cultured. Usually goats and sheep dairy does not affect acne either.
Sugar and dairy can spike IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor) which has a direct link with hormonal acne.
Support your gut
40% of acne sufferers have low stomach acid.
This means you are not able to break down and digest your food and nutrients as well as you should.
You digestive tract is where you assimilate all of your nutrients from the beautiful food you eat.
Using apple cider vinegar, zinc, gentian, ginger and hydrochloride (HCL) can be useful.
Support your liver
Your liver is a main detox pathway in the body so to remove toxins from the body we have to make sure all your little liver wheels are spinning nicely otherwise things can get backed up and recycled which can lead to high oestrogen
Your liver LOVES: broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, turmeric, garlic, spinach, rocket, alfalfa sprouts, cabbage and beetroot.
How long until it gets better?
Starting all of the above treatment a few months before coming off the Pill will give you a head start but it can take a good 3-6 months to see real, lasting changes to your skin.
Ellen xx
*Always consult with your practitioner for the correct dosing of nutrients and herbs.